How does time come to an idea?
Throughout my life I have been “bombarded” by ideas, often utopian, I am a dreamer. Ironically, I chose a career in the exact sciences, which required me to somewhat prune the dreamy side of my personality. I have tried to stand out in that squared world, always giving the best of me; But no matter how hard I try, I can’t adapt to excessive competitiveness and pessimism. To tell the truth, I am not interested in competing and I am an enthusiastic optimist.
My process of spiritual growth has allowed me to mature to the point where I now understand that ideas do not belong to me, they are in the air in a different dimension than the third, ready to be captured by minds tuned to the same vibrational frequency. Various human beings are at all times vibrating in frequencies that connect them to each other through ideas that must materialize, utopias ready to be realized. I have been able to verify this a few times. For example, when writing an article on a specific topic I found another one that proposes the same hypothesis; or when thinking of someone, that person came into contact with me; or when I have dreamed of the pregnancy of a friend that I have not seen for a long time and suddenly she tells me that she is pregnant; or when I think of a project idea and I meet someone who is already doing it.