Inner Peace

Is a state in which we can decide to be through thoughts of love, acceptance and understanding.

Most of us repeat this phrase “I want to be at peace” sometimes just because we hear it, because it sounds good, because we repeat what others say or because we really feel that we need to feel at peace… I would say from my experience that it is a state where we feel in harmony with everything inside and outside of us; a state where we can imagine, feel, embrace, create… all from calm, acceptance and understanding. A state where there is a deep connection, where we awaken an inner strength that allows us to express ourselves with sweetness and wisdom. …. Have you experienced something like this in your life? If you haven’t, today I’d like to share with you how simple it can be:-To start you must be ready to give yourself a gift. This gift, most of the time it is difficult for us to give it to ourselves, however, it is very simple and it is called…”TIME”. Start by giving yourself 5 minutes of your day. Just think… a day has 1,440 minutes… today I will give myself 5 minutes, I will feel the abundance of the universe, I will observe my thoughts, I will appreciate what each of my senses can perceive and I will delight in receiving what this small space will give me, I will synchronize with the divine energy that is beyond this body, I will connect with my being.

Once you are ready to give yourself this moment, it is possible that your ego will sabotage you, maybe you will experience a situation that will test you, someone or something will cause you an annoyance or will disturb you, and if this is the case, watch your thoughts carefully do not let them get over you and do this:

1. Be aware of these thoughts and change them immediately. Don’t fight them, just accept them and let them go. Take a couple of deep breaths and tell yourself: “nothing and no one can disturb my peace, the information that I have decided to adopt at this moment is only the one that brings me peace, the one that gives me tranquility and calm, the rest I do not need. Your mind will begin to adopt thoughts of peace and harmony and little by little you will feel calmer.

2-Now relax your mind and give yourself the opportunity to adopt them as yours. You can start with very simple exercises such as breathing, short meditations and enter states of calm, serenity and connection with your being. With this simple practice you will have more mental clarity and you will begin to obtain levels of coherence between what you think, say and do, which will bring you better life experiences.

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