What are limiting beliefs?

All human beings have beliefs that limit us from making evolutionary changes in our lives; everything is in the mind of the human being and is manifested through thoughts. The same thoughts that we have had throughout our lives and that are now part of our reality and will continue to create our future if we do not make the decision to change them.

What feelings and emotions do your thoughts generate in you?

Let’s do a short exercise:

-Sit comfortably in a quiet place in your home.

-Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. -Take 3 deep breaths and focus on what worries you today and think about how you feel.

Do you feel lonely, sad or abandoned? Have your parents or a loved one died?Perhaps, while you were sleeping, something tragic happened to you or someone in your family.Maybe someone told you that you couldn’t? Did they tell you weren’t smart?

Maybe your parents rejected you? Do you feel that you are worthless?

Take 3 more deep breaths and ask your fears where they come from, why are they there? Remember that in your unconscious you have all the information and you will find the answers, the memories will come to you and when you have them there… alive in your memory… ask yourself, what has that experience brought you in your life? Did it make you stronger, did it make you grow, did it make you study more and be better, did it make you work harder?

Now that you know what it was for, take a deep breath 3 times and thank that person or moment for the good things that happened to you, you will only focus on the positive things that happened after that event.

If you managed to do the exercise, I congratulate you, you are taking the first step to let go!This is a step to begin to understand a little more how Bioreprogramming works, where we will accompany you to find the resources you need to heal those episodes and overcome them. 


Tell us about your results and challenges.

Write to us at [email protected] 


Author: Liliana Alzate

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